What are the Folk Pie Maps?

While making the Folk Pie series, I developed a style of bright colorful maps to use in the background. In Burlington II, I took this to the next level by creating four, highly accurate maps that show the development of the city over 300 years.

These maps draw attention to a city’s place within the natural world, its distinct neighborhoods, transit-systems, and even industry. The others are a cool, convention-breaking display of parts of our world.

I loved these so much, I kept making them, with plans for more in the future.

These would look really cool as wall prints— go to the Order Prints! Tab and tell me which ones you want, I’ll send it to you as a high quality poster.

The current locations I have available are:

City view:

  • Burlington Vermont - pre-1600, 1790, 1840, and 1920

    Satellite View:

  • Ireland

  • New England